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H2O2 30 Day Cleanse


Hydrogen Peroxide 30 Day Cleanse




Day 1       3 drops food grade 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in a glass of pure water 3 times daily on an empty stomach. It is advisable not to exceed a total of  75 drops per day and not to exceed thirty days at a time. You may eat 2 hours before each dose and 1 hour after each dose


Day 2       5 drops per glass 3 times daily


Day 3       6 drops per glass 3 times daily


Day 4       7 drops per glass 3 times daily


Day 5        8 drops per glass 3 times daily


Day 6        9 drops per glass 3 times daily


Day 7        10 drops per glass 3 times daily


Day 8        11 drops per glass 3times daily


Day 9        12 drops etc


Day 10      13 drops etc


Day 11       14 drops etc


Day 12        15 etc


Day 13        16 etc


Day 14        17 etc.


Day 15         18 etc.


Day 16         19 etc.


Day 17         20 etc.


Day 18          21 etc.


Day 19          22 etc.


Day 20          23 etc.


Day 21           24 etc.


Day 22 to 30       25 etc.


If the effect of ingesting the hydrogen peroxide becomes too much to bear (and it may), stay at the last tolerable dose for the remainder of the 30 day cleanse.


Be sure to take good nutritional products and a broad spectrum of excellent antioxidants during this cleanse, with food, to protect the healthy cells of the body. We recommend the Usana Essentials for this purpose. They can be purchased at: http://www.usana.com


Expect serious cleansing reactions during this cleanse. Dis-eases encountered during earlier life may resurface briefly. Your experience will be your own. Discontinue the cleanse if severe bodily reactions occur, use good judgement and take responsibility for your actions.