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Great Article on Baking Soda for Health

Heal Thyself with Homemade Liposomal Vitamin C

Can Lyme be Sexually Transmitted?

Dr. Ladd  McNamara, Author of  "The Cholesterol Conspiracy" believes in improving health through superior pharmaceutical grade nutrition from Usana Health Sciences. Visit his blog to learn more.

thedoctorwithin.com - An Alternative perspective on synthetic supplements and why they may put us at risk

http://curezone.com Excellent Site for oxygen therapy/ozone information, cleansing, forums, discussion groups -  Educating not Medicating

Getting the Most Out of Your Fitness Tracker: An All-Inclusive Guide to Health, Performance and Recovery Stats

Excellent thesis on the function and treatment of the Gall Bladder - Long but well worth the read if you're having digestion problems.

http://www.energybalancing.com/ An overview of Energy Balancing based on Chinese Medicine and a few good treatments for the most abundant illnesses on the planet.

Heal Yourself at Home - excellent website with fabulous healing techniques

Dr Mercola Interviews Dr Robert Rowen - Fabulous interview with one of the fathers of medical freedom about the beginnings of legal alternative or complementary medicine and a whole lot more.

Dr Robert Rowen demonstrates the connection between teeth and body pain.

Tooth/Organ Relationship Chart

An Inconvenient Tooth - Great documentary on the flouride issue

Amazing Energetic Health Resources - fabulous information for the enlightened seeker

www.mercola.com - Vast database of  cutting edge alternative health information


Vitamin D3 Study on the Benefits of Vitamin D for children with good information for adults as well


Excellent Video on the suppression of a simple, inexpensive treatment for a myriad of dis-eases - Vitamin C has been researched more than any vitamin or drug yet still remains officially blackballed by the medical establishment worldwide except in New Zealand.


 http://www.emofree.com/  Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Technique - free downloads of the manual and great information


The Health Ranger - Great Alternative Health Information


Root Canal,Amalgam and Extraction Dangers - Weston Price Foundation

10 Banned Foods North Americans Should Stop Eating - from Mercola.com


Oil Pulling - The practise of swishing with oil for removal of toxins


Jim Humble's MMS Page - Great Info on MMS and MMS 2

Cell Phone Dangers - See how a cell phone can cook an egg


New Cell Phone Dangers - Canadian version with good technical data

Hidden Dangers of Cell Phone and other Portable Devices - Truth about Cancer


Chris Gupta - Compassionate Seeker of Truth in all areas of life- Vast eclectic information


Coconut Oil and Thyroidism - A good article on hypo and hyperthyroidism and their possible       causes


Don't Drink From Hotel Glasses -  News Expose

Hotel Glasses Follow-up

Interview of Jim Humble, the man behind MMS (miracle mineral supplement) by Project Camelot

Listen to Interviews on a variety of alternative health and welfare subjects

Microelectricity - A Novel Therapy for Cancer Treatment

Microelectricity in Dentistry - Excellent abstract from a 1927 dental journal